Winter 2007 - February, page 1
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Thursday, February 1 - Old Pumphouse in Hidalgo
Again, it's an easy walk to the pumphouse. That's a good picture of it there. Best picture of northern mockingbird yet! and the other bird we think is a Couch's kingbird.
Friday, February 2 - South Padre Island
The weather forecast yesterday confirmed that it was going to be a good, sunny day on South Padre Island, so we left early this morning. It is about 80 miles away from here. It was worth the trip. Look at the beach, looking north; it's the same looking south.
A drive up Padre avenue north and you come to the Convention center, aside which is a future birding center, but which already has a boardwalk through marsh to the Laguna Madre. The lagoon is the west side of South Padre Island between the island and the Gulf.
Many birds there.
From left to right: Avocet, blue heron, shore bird
Another shore bird, more herons,...
...a Harris's Hawk, gallinule.
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