AUGUST 2009    PAGE  7                         |previous page | index | next page|

Thursday, August 27 - Mule Shoe to White River to Clear Lake and Mt Hood



View at Mule Shoe campground in the am.

Today: west on 19 to Fossil, west on 218 to Antelope,  north on 97 to Grass Valley, west on 216 to 26, then north to Clear Lake near Mt Hood.





Crossing the Descutes River - many fishermen.










White river falls.


Osprey on the way.







First view of My Hood, then later at a sno-pak parking area.










Clear lake, near Mt Hood, where we camped for the night.













Another great day...







Friday, August 28 - Mt Hood, Multnomah Falls and Portland Arboretum

Made a side trip this morning to see Mt Hood from Trillium lake.














How's that for a fishing spot?


Today, north 35 to Hood River, west on I84 to Troutdale, stop at Multnomah Falls for lunch, then to arboretum in Washington park in Portland, then west to Hillsboro to visit with Scott and Vic Simmons (Scott is brother-in-law).




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