August 2012 Page 6
Saturday, August 25
Military Museum in Superior Wisconsin
This is the most complete WWII Jeep (actually a Ford GPW) I've ever seen:
Dragon Boat Races Superior Wisconsin
They have these dragon boat races around Lake Superior (Grand Marais MN, Bemidji MN and Superior WI) every year. Very elaborate boats with crews of over 20. races are benefit races, and many millions are collected every year. Great fun for participants and spectators alike.
Two other interesting boats:
Lots of heats for all day racing
They put on a spread too!
Amnicon Falls
Stayed here this evening. Came early enough to see the falls at this state park.
Nice campground, too
Sunday, August 26
Meyers Beach
Heading east towards Meyers Beach, a National Parks Beach with kayak outfitters putting out for Pictured Rocks. On the way there, we stopped to see these "school buses".
Nice beach, clean water!
Sand Bay Campground
Can they get better than this?