SOLTESWEB.NET                            FEBRUARY                    PAGE             1

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Feb 01 - Amelia


Spent the weekend with Derek, Verr and Amelia in Austin




Feb 10 - Amelia

Spent the next weekend there as well.  We were doing a Sower project in Marble Falls - not far for Austin.





Feb 05 - Camp Peniel - Sower Project Feb 02


This was a big project with several Sowers, in Marble Falls Texas.  Several Texas Baptist Men there as well. Program was to construct a large two-story stick structure inside a larger steel building.


Ed & Patty, Jean & Romaine Bryan, Bob and Karen Lovell


Ken & Linda Brower, Lou & Betty Muller, Paul & Edna Crist


Wayne & Katie Comer, Pat (our lead)


This is the inside of a smaller home used by the founders of Camp Peniel.  Cluttered but cosy.








Time off for fun


This was our first project with Bob and Karen.  We have become good friends since and served several projects together.


Feb 09 - Marble Falls - Austin Area

We visited the state capitol in Austin.


Horseshoe Bay, Marble Falls


Golf and Marina


he river that had the falls, now covered by a dam.

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