JULY 2009 PAGE 3 |previous page | index | next page|
Friday, July 10
Drive up to top of Pikes Peak.
We went up with Ken and Barbie Rogers, Sowers working on the same project at Colorado Springs.
Yes, his name is Kenny Rogers, and Ken has a wife Barbie.
Below are some of the sights. You just can't get the feeling of being at 14,115 feet with pictures.
Here's Ed wrestling the lion in the Visitor Center at the top.
Saturday, July 11
Just in case Pikes Peak wasn't enough excitement for the weekend, we went to the Olympic Training Center Open House on Saturday afternoon, and the "Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo" accompanied by a Chuckwagon dinner on Saturday night.
Some of the sayings on the walls of the training center buildings.
Wrestling and fencing demonstrations.
THEN, the Rodeo!
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