ROME Italy, December 2009 Page 21 | last page | index |next page |
Thursday, December 31- Popolo
Gary and Aimee went back to USA this am for home at 7:00 am. We had a later flight at 7:45 pm, and the day was clear, so we walked most of it until we had to return for our limo to the airport as well.
Walked around the Medici Palace near the top of the Spanish steps, but instead of going down the steps, we walked on the high area above the city to the overlook of Piazza del Popolo. Beautiful views of the city and the Vatican in particular.
Remember the obelisk in the center of the piazza here? We were on the bottom yesterday looking at the people in the balcony where we are now!
On the left here in the Piazza, is a remarkable church. We went in not expecting to see all that we did.
These two paintings by Caravaggio were so remarkable - the crucifixion of Peter, and the conversion of Saul/Paul.
We were not permitted to take pictures, so these are compliments of Google.
This is a chapel on the side.
Below is the nativity scene in the church Look at the detail!
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