November 2012                Page 2

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Nov 7 - - More shopping, different mall





This building intrigued us.  It is two layers, open only on the north side (no direct sun).  Each of the panels in the outer skin can be opened for window view.








Nov 8 - The Sheikh Zayed Mosque.


Interesting facts about Abu Dhabi.  In the paper this week. 








The mosque from the outside









the bathroom.  All inlays, not paint.











 Some of the inlay flooring




Going inside













The carpets (see the prayer lines)















  What do you think of that?


Nov 8 - the Dubai mall

Drove to Dubai today, about an hour away. Going to the Dubai mall, and the Burj Khalifa - the tallest structure in the world.


On  the way to Dubai, caught a few scenes out of the car window,  Stopped at a rest area where we bought...sausage biscuits, lattes and Dunkin Donuts!




Remember that's a closer look at how the outside skin opens up for windows:




Yes, this is a building that is NOT straight!




  How's that for a wave?


Some construction along the way:  These are not small buildings.



Pass the mosque along the way




Coming into Dubai.  Wow - larger buildings and more of them!








Inside the Dubai mall, here is the information table and an interactive display which gives you directions GS-style to get anywhere form anywhere.  1200+ stores!




Too many pictures coming - let's go to the next page.


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